Americans want to boost their retirement income, but often they do not know where to start. When it comes to advising savers, education is a major part of the process.
The Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC) is here as your partner to educate American savers on ways they can help ensure a stable retirement. Find informative resources, detailing all the available options for saving, specifically information on how fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) can fit into a balanced financial plan.
Consider this your educational toolbox on FIAs, complete with breaking news, proprietary research, and educational materials you can use and share with clients.
Downloadable Resources

Add the News Widget
Share current retirement and fixed indexed annuity (FIA) news on your website automatically. Download the IALC Retirement News Widget. By adding the widget to your website, you and your clients will receive the latest updates on retirement planning and FIAs. Displaying the widget on your website is easy, just copy and paste the code.

Educational Video Series
We offer a series of videos and testimonials that educate American savers on retirement planning and fixed indexed annuities (FIAs). With all the misinformation on FIAs out there, these videos are great resources to share with your clients.

Get the FIA Basics
Many American savers may not be considering fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) because they do not understand or even know about this financial product. Download and print our one-pager on FIAs to help educate your clients. Let considering an FIA become a reality to all.

Minimize Risk and Maximize Peace of Mind
Share this one-pager with your clients to provide them with an overview on fixed indexed annuities (FIAs), with specific explanation on how their money can only go one way with this retirement vehicle – and that is up.

Retirement Planning Worksheet
Before advising clients to purchase a fixed indexed annuity (FIA), encourage them to complete the Retirement Planning Worksheet. Have them consider the important questions to ask before determining if this financial product is right for them. Using this worksheet as a guide, help them see how much retirement income they will need beyond the resources they already have.
Share David’s story, a retiree who shifted his mindset and his money from risk to safety for his nest egg.
Points to Ponder
Retirement savers want the scoop. Stay updated with IALC on news about retirement and FIAs.