IALC In the News: Is your family putting your finances at risk?

IALC In the News: Is your family putting your finances at risk?

IALC In the News: Is your family putting your finances at risk?

IALC member and President of American Equity, Ron Grensteiner has recently been featured in the news discussing the possible impact that family matters can have on your financial health.

On DepositAccounts.com, he advises updating financial and legal documents, such as insurance beneficiary forms, wills and trusts; to reflect recent family changes, as part of your end of year financial check up. Take a look at what he and other financial experts recommend adding to your financial to-do list before the end of the year.

Also on MainStreet, Grensteiner speaks out about how changes in the economy and an increased financial dependence of adult children could place your retirement in jeopardy. “These are situations in which a retirement that is not family-proofed will probably be at risk,” he says. “If the parent exhausts all savings and retirement trying to take care of an adult child, that parent may end up having to return to work in a poor job market.” Read the full article to get some tips on how to protect your nest egg from this unsuspected danger.