Jaw Dropping Dow

Jaw Dropping Dow

Jaw Dropping Dow

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few days, it would be hard to miss the volatility the market has been experiencing lately.  In fact, with the Dow Jones shedding more than 350 points and the S&P 500 sinking 2.5%, Thursday was the U.S. markets’ worst day this year.  Analysts are attributing much of this drop, which comes on the heels of nearly 6 weeks of market gains, to speculation that the Federal Reserve would reduce the economic stimulus program.  And, according to many analysts, this type of market volatility could actually be the “new norm.”

So what can consumers do in the face of what looks to be increased market volatility, especially those of us who are nearing or already in retirement?  Products that are guaranteed to protect your nest egg when markets are down, while still giving you the chance for some upside when markets are up, can offer great relief in these volatile times.  A product that helps meet both of these objectives is a fixed indexed annuity.   In fact, these products gained popularity back in 2008 when the markets were particularly volatile, because they offered consumers some much needed peace of mind.  Louise Bridges is one of those consumers.  To hear about her more about her experience and the ways in which fixed indexed annuities are helping her to meet her retirement goals, click here.